Performance evaluation of Zigbee based on NS2

This repository includes the following documents.

  1. zigbee.scn: network topology in 3D
  2. zigbee.tcl: network script written in tcl
  3. thr_drop_delay.awk: eualuation script written in awk
  4. data/: results of delay, throughput, jitter, and packet loss rate
  5. out/: figures of results
  6. demo/: demos of nam
  7. thesis_Chinese.pdf (in Chinese)

How to

  1. Please make sure zigbee_topology.scn and zibee.tcl are in the same folder. The simulation script is written for NS-2.34 with tcl8.4.
  2. cd to the folder by terminal
  3. run ns zigbee.tcl. This will generate the simulation results stored in the output file named “”.
  4. run awk -f thr_drop_delay.awk to get the performance results.
  5. run gnuplot and plot xxx.dat to get the figures of simulation results.

Some Results


Throughput with beacon (dis)enabled